NLP for Teachers & Parentsteachers nlp

Introduction to NLP for Teachers & more

NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) is the study of subjective experience (a sort of user manual for the brain). It enables you to build rapport quickly, work from the other persons perspective easily so they understand what you are conveying more quickly; it also enables you to anchor what you have said or done, so this can be used naturally in the future.

Richard Bandler (co-developer of NLP) once said “there are no difficult students just inflexible teachers” but it a bit more subtle than that.
On this one day workshop you will learn how to identify and use sensory based language; how to see from another person’s perspective, how to build rapport quickly, how to use natural trance states to improve learning, plus much, much more. For communication to be effective, it needs to be effective at all levels regardless of age or past beliefs. NLP enables this to really happen.

Who should attend?

This workshop is ideal for anybody who has to interact with anybody else on an educational or developmental basis…..!
We would suggest: Teachers, parents, family support workers, centre managers

NLP and SEAL in schools

NLP (neuro-linguistic Programming) really simplifies the application of the 5 social and emotional aspects of learning

  1. Self-awareness – being present and mindful of how you act, think and feel
  2. Managing feelings – understanding learnt responses and how to choose the state you’re in
  3. Motivation – identifying your recourses and motivations to enable focus and direction
  4. Empathy – building connection and understanding with others
  5. Social Skills – understanding the perspective of others and building rapport

This one day workshop will give you seemingly simple skills which will surprise you in their effectiveness. Remember though, this is not just about changing other people; this is about changing the way you think and act. As a bonus you will learn relaxation techniques and outcome thinking.

We can deliver this as an INSET day on-site for you. Please request a call back or contact us via the contact page



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