Our policies and procedures are available by clicking on the links below:


Quality Assurance Policy


Equality and Diversity Policy


Quality Monitoring and Standardisation Schedule


Safeguarding Policy


Reasonable Adjustments and Special Consideration Policy


Maladministration and Malpractice Policy


Complaint Policy


Appeals Policy and Procedure



Scheme of works

Tai Chi Qigong for Well-being 2-day course

Tai Chi & Qigong for Rehabilitation and Well-being 8-day course



For course details and dates please visit our homepage at Tai Chi for Rehabilitation



Employability Leisure Guides


CIMSPA, in partnership with Aspire, has released three guides to support the industry in attracting more disabled people to the sector's workforce. 

These guides can be accessed at https://www.cimspa.co.uk/resources/cimspa-library-home/aspire-employability/ 



BCCMA Professional Standard Coach Course

We worked with the BCCMA to help develop the coaching course component that meets the requirements of the national standards for tai chi and qigong. The standards have two components:

1. Coaching qualification

2. Technical qualification


We provide the technical qualification.


Details of the BCCMA coaching qualification are available at: https://bccma.com/product-category/courses/cimspa-professional-standard-coach/


The national professional standards our Tai Chi and Qigong technical qualifications map to are available on the CIMSPA website at https://www.cimspa.co.uk/education-training/professional-standards/professional-standards-library/ 



Event List

Ba Duan Jin Qigong workshop

This 2-day course covers both seated and standing qigong

Yang Family Qigong workshop live on zoom

Tai chi for Patient Rehabilitation training in tai chi and qigong

This 2-day course covers both seated and standing qigong



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